‘Cities’ Not Crowded, Just Right
By Farah Minwalla
Can a Christian band rock? Do ensembles that have something else on their minds besides drugs and groupies, have that rockability factor that many legends have down to art form? Surely, most Christian bands are not die hard replicas of Marilyn Manson, but that does not go to say that Christian bands can not exude spirituality and a universal appeal to jolt the mimicking music scene. In some ways even I had my doubts to whether the on the rise Christian band Anberlin could sway me into believing they weren’t choir boys in all regards. In retrospective, Anberlin once upon a time did have the framework to be the perfect little pop group, but the band has come a long way from their 2003 first record release of Blueprints for the Black Market. Yet, Anberlin had also displayed maturity on their 2005 sophomore release of Never Take Friendship Personal.
The ‘it’ factor had always been lurking around the music that Anberlin emitted, but both these albums did not display the talent that Anberlin’s vocalist Stephen Christian has encompassed since the band formed in 2002. Now flash forward to Anberlin’s third album debut of Cities that has me believe that third time really is a charm. As Christian effortlessly quotes Gandhi during our interview, “To become the change that you wish to see in the world,” he has perfectly done so with his performance throughout Cities. There are upbeat guitar solos and a running streak of maturity that Christian masters as he coos, “I am the patron saint of lost causes/A fraction of who I once believed,” in the song ‘Dismantle.Repair.’ Cities triumph lies in the lyrics and relatable way Christian reflects on lost love and hardships that can have any listener reflect on their own struggle. It is this flawless blend of maturity and raw talent that could catapult Anberlin as 2007’s Artists to Watch For. Hailing inspiration from Morrissey and the Beatles, Christian takes other bands music into consideration when song writing but overall his biggest inspiration is life itself. “Life is the biggest teacher so are people who you have met such as family, friends and faith. This album, Cities, was a coming of age album,” says Christian. The stirring rock that is executed on Cities new single ‘Godspeed’ shows off Christian’s vast vocal range and the crisp vernacular that all fits into place like a finished puzzle. With the occasional chant of ‘Whoa-oh’ and intense rebellious lyrics, Christian repeats “Don’t fall asleep/ They lied when they said/ The good die young/ Stay with me, stay with me tonight.” Anberlin is not all gloom, though. On the second single from Cities titled ‘Dismantle.Repair,’ Christian, with the help of guitarist Joseph Milligan blares the hook “I’m never letting go/ Things are going to change for the better.” And sure enough after two records, Anberlin seems to have developed spiritually and creatively. Christian expresses to me with never ending passion about his love for his fans, music and volunteer work I realize this band is different from the countless others that have paved the way of alternative rock. As Anberlin fulfills their ‘duty to love other people’ they have been actively involved with the non-profit organization ‘To Write Love on Her Arms’ that spreads knowledge and assistance for people involved in self-harm.
In spite of Anberlin’s growing success, they still find time to volunteer all across the world including hot spots Calcutta, Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Jerusalem. Christian also talks enthusiastically about how he would tell fans to volunteer and to get involved in the community. “I want to leave a legacy. If I were not a musician I would a humanitarian worker,” professes Christian. And this is what I particularly like about the Orlando, Florida rockers; they keep it real and are constantly humble about all their success (this in itself is a rare trait that many bands nowadays do not have). “I can’t believe that this [music] is my career, what a great life! I am content everyday,” says Christian. In what Christian calls Anberlin’s music a cross between Jimmy Eat World and The Cure, Anberlin will continue to tour around the US with the 2007 Warped Tour in which they will partake from June 29 to July 27. And as Christian talks about his anticipation for Warped Tour, I feel that all Anberlin fans would love to meet this ‘rocker’ because of how damn nice he is. But the most promising way for far off fans to be in touch is with the one word that has changed the concept of communication forever. MySpace. In addition Christian leaves tips for up and coming rockers about how to get into the music industry, “Concentrate on songs and be influenced by more things, since music is the platform to speak what is in the mind,” adds Christian. After touring for the remaining of 2007, Anberlin is expected to be back in the studio July of 2008. Anberlin is the type of band that matures with grace and it seems for them that their future will be nothing short of exciting. Admittedly, Anberlin has me converted, to their music that is.