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In Their Own Words by GDB . . . . .

This story takes place in the craziest place a story could take place, St. George Utah. The place Mormons rule with an iron fist. We were on our way back from playing a sold out show with fellow locals Vandalay Industries when Brian’s car ran out of gas. There was only one exit or so about twenty miles from mesquite so we got off in search for some gas. Luckily we made it to a little gas station right before Brian’s car finally ran out. When we looked around we noticed that the gas station was closed so we went into the bar next door to hopefully get some help from the locals. As soon as we walked in, we kind of wish we hadn’t have. But, they were the only ones that could help us so we told everyone our story. At first they were messing with us, saying how they would sell us a gallon of gas for a hundred bucks and whatnot. We felt like we were about to experience what a girl goes through on prom night, but we bout a round and the tension seemed to dissipate. After talking to everyone, we realized that the only solution was for Brian to go to this trailer to siphon gas with this crazy ass Mexican dude that everyone kept saying was in the Mob. I don’t know how excited Brian was about going with the guy, but it was his car and the rest of us just didn’t want to go. We weren’t sure what was going to happen with Brian gone but within the first 2 minutes of Brian leaving, this 60 year old man walks up to Me, Tony, and Chris with some drunken babbling how he will take down any of us in Push up contest. This guy was juiced, he reminded me of Robert Downey Jr. in the 90’s. “I’ll do two for every one you do.” He kept saying it over and over, so most of us didn’t want to do it because we thought he was going to kick our ass at doing push-ups. But finally I decided to take his challenge. I do about 40 and give some room for the old man to do his. By that time there was a crowd of people around the competition so I really didn’t want to lose to this 60 year old guy. He gets on his knees put his hands on the ground and starts doing them. “1”, “2”, and suddenly get ups. “I told you that I would do two for every one you did”, he says. This guy ends calling me a loser because I lost to him and says that I need to buy him a drink. We all laugh and right about the time we sit back down in the bar Brian walks back in. He has a really weird look on his face, later that night we were to find out that it was because the trailer he went to was used for making heavy narcotics. We get up to finally leave and the whole time that we are heading for the door that old man is just pointing at me screaming how I owe him a beer and I’m a dirty liar for not getting him one. I say I’m sorry one last time to try and calm him down and we get out of there as quickly as we came in. So I bet you are thinking that this story sounds like an ordinary time in Utah, and maybe you are right. But just remember that the next time that an old man challenges you to a push up you are probably going to get your ass kicked.

There was this other time when we were supposed to play phoenix but ended up not playing because our singer was stuck in Laughlin, where her boyfriend had been beaten up and arrested by the local Laughlin police dept. I guess the story was that Lauren’s boyfriend at the time had been driving her car to Phoenix and was pulled over for speeding. When they got his information they found out that he had no license and a warrant out for his arrest. Her boyfriend supposedly freaked out and tried to run away but the cops just took him down. We got a call from Lauren a couple minutes later hysterically crying saying how her boyfriend was in jail and she had to stay to in Laughlin to bail him out. We ended up playing phoenix without her. A lesson was learned that day though. Cops love to beat up artsy hippies when they get the chance to.



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