I know what you’re thinking; “When the fuck is Mower going to release their much anticipated new cd? My wounds have almost healed and I’m looking to mosh again!” Well fear not, for soon your neck will ache, and your ears will fill with blood. It’s ready, it’s sick, and it’s “Not For You”.
Just last Friday I caught Mower headlining a show at Canes in Mission Beach, promoting their new album: “Not For You.” In case you are all wondering, yes they’re still insanely loud, but now there’s something more to it than just blazing fast metal. First of all, they revamped a few of their older songs, such as ‘L.A. Riot’. You might remember this little number if you’ve ever been to or driven within half a mile of a show in the past. Well, now that it’s closer to about half the speed, it has a more laid back feel while still remaining sinisterly Mower. Another song that won’t make your girlfriend run screaming is “Brokenhands.” I say that because this badass tune is the clear favorite of a few ladies I know. This sentiment was shared by about every woman in Canes that night. Unfortunately, they had to show their appreciation from the edges of the floor. Meanwhile, “SeedleSs” and “Zone” continued to whip the male portion of the club into alcohol fueled mosh fiesta; complete with that guy who really shouldn’t be in there but refuses to admit defeat, even though he is getting his ass hammered over and over. I call that guy Johnny Piñata.
Their upcoming first single “Road Rage” is a song that speaks to me like no other. If you live in a city with traffic problems, you will feel this song. In a nutshell everything you’ve ever wanted to do to that fucker who cut you off is verbally represented here, and Brian’s voice is almost like the punch in the face you want to deliver to that stupid bitch on her cell phone driving an SUV. I bet her name’s Amber.
Of course a Mower CD wouldn’t be complete without their own take on The Mamas & The Papas classic 60’s hit, “California Dreaming.” Originally written by Michelle Phillips as she toured further and further from her home, when it is performed by Mower, all that remains calm and placid about it is the “All the leaves are…” part. After the “BROWWWWN,” it’s obvious that this could be a heavier version. It is, however, a bit hard to believe the verse: “Stopped into a church, I passed along the way. I dropped down on my knees and pretend to pray.” I just doubt that if they actually went into a house of worship, that they would make it out of there without bursting into flames. It’s ok though. We’ve all been there.
So what does this mean for the future of Mower? Well they already expressed an interest in total world domination, and with the legions of fans that they have under their control, I could see how that might happen. All they have to do now is decide who gets to be Supreme Warlord, and who gets to be head of the department of whiskey. I hope they are a benevolent regime, or at least I hope they need a journalist to document the carnage.
To get more information on these guys, visit their website at www.mowermusic.com