I fucking love brass! In my professional opinion, there is nothing that brings a more rich and full sound to the stage than a couple of horns screaming along, pausing occasionally only to harmonize with the lead vocals or dance around wildly. That shit is exciting, and when that kind of music is played live, it always makes for an entertaining evening. Thicker Than Thieves delivers nights like those on a regular basis. They will, without fail, rock the house every time that they take the stage. They will also draw a shitload of smokin’ hot women to the dance floor every time; which is nice too.
What lures them in? TTT’s music is like a siren song for fine women. Lead singer Jamin Hazelaar’s stellar voice seems to hypnotize them for half the night (which makes for uncomplicated roofie delivery). A powerful rhythm section is a must, so it’s fortunate that bassist Gus and drummer Jeff Thorkalsen are members, because they keep one hell of a beat. Master guitarist, Brian Sykes, plays so fast he has obviously sold his soul to the devil, and rounding out this six piece miracle are the dual horns of Dan Mercado and Billy Eisenman who infect the crowd with a heavy dose of island fever; a serious ailment including symptoms such as audio euphoria and uncontrollable dancing.
I met up with the Thieves at their studio, which happens to be in the same building as Barely On Porn. It was awesome! We got loaded up, and after they played me a few songs off their upcoming new album, I found out how Thick these guys really are.
By Morgan Huestis
SM: “First and foremost, tell me about the upcoming album.”
Jamin: “Basically we haven’t had a cd out in a while except for the EP release and everyone keeps asking us when they will be able to get their hands on a disk with all the songs they’ve heard at the shows. So we’re going to compile them all along with four or five new ones on one full length album.
Billy: “I’m pretty stoked on it. The sound we put together is really unique and I’ve yet to hear something just like it. I just hope the public feels the same way.”
Dan: “On our last cd ‘Smugglers Run’ people got a feel for our punk sound and even our surf/ska side. On this album we’ve added more of a heavy rock riffs with an old school one-drop feel which we haven’t done yet and it sounds pretty sick.”
Gus: “I’m glad to be part of this album. I’m having so much fun.”
Jeff: “My goal behind this album is to make $450 billion, however many times platinum that is.”
Dan: -laughs- “That’s like diamond bro.”
Brian: “I’ve been looking forward to this release for a long time. We really worked hard on it and I’m proud of everyone here. We start touring soon and hopefully we get a good reaction from the crowds.”
SM: “What makes TTT such a cohesive band musically, and what does each member bring influentially?”
Jamin: “I don’t think that I personally bring anything new to the group that they haven’t seen before. It’s just that finally after all the trials and tribulations and bullshit that go along with being a small time band in a big time world we have come to a point where we’re so close musically everything just feels right.”
Billy: “I bring a lot of jazz and classical influence to the table here, that’s my musical background. We call it ‘Metal-tafari’.
Dan: “Since I’m the official carne asada burrito eating beaner here I bring a Latin style to this group. I’ve been playing with Billy since 7 th grade so we sync up great but we all draw on and absorb each other’s styles. Everyone knows where everyone else is coming from”
Gus: “I’ve played with a million different bands from bluegrass to jazz to funk to rock so finally playing reggae is pretty cool. I get to play with some really great musicians and make really great music. There is nothing better.”
Jeff: “I just bring a stone groove man.”
Brian: “I’m a lover of both reggae and metal so I’m at home here. Bad Brains and Jimi Hendrix. Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath.”
SM: “What do you have planned for the next five years?”
Jamin: “I see five more albums, each better than the one before it. I see this band getting out of this fucking box of a studio. And I see us still together. We’ve been through a shitload together and we’re still going strong.”
Billy: “I’m looking for money in the next five years, I want this to be my career. I would also like to get as much ass as I can. Other than that I would like us to get a tour bus. Fuck yeah!”
Dan: “I just want to have a seat on the bus, on top of getting paid. Beer and ass have come a plenty but I could handle more. Seeing us all together is number one though, I’ve put my life into this band and I can say the same thing for everyone here.”
Gus: “In five years I hope I drop my rookie status and earn a bench on the van. If we got a bus that would be great too but I’m happy and I just hope to keep playing.”
Jeff: “I want to be wherever that $450 billion takes us.”
Brian: “I want to tour every state, all over the world, spread the vibe around.”
SM: “Are there any stories behind certain songs? Do you have any favorites?”
Jamin: “That’s a tough one because all the songs are so good, especially the new ones. I usually write the songs but Dan wrote ‘Gamble Called Life’ which is sick. There are some more serious songs like ‘Lying To Kick It’ which is a pretty powerful song. That’s one of my favorites.
Billy: “My favorite is ‘Lying To Kick It’. It has everything that a great song should have. It’s well rounded and has terrific lyrics.”
Dan: “I like ‘Falling Behind’. It has more jazz influences than anything we have ever done. ‘Gamble Called Life’ is referring to a personal experience from my life. It puts things in perspective and reminds us how fragile and short life is.”
Gus: “I don’t really have a favorite song, I’m just stoked to be in one of the best rhythm sections in San Diego. Without rhythm women wouldn’t dance and guys wouldn’t get laid. I’m happy to do my part to help out the men folk of the U.S.
Jeff: “I gotta go with ‘Lying To Kick It’ as well. I think it’s hard hitting and I dig the story.”
Brian: “I’m really into the new songs. ‘Gamble Called Life’, ‘The Way Things Go’, ‘Devil’s Eye’, and ‘Falling Behind’ are all my favorites.”
A few days after this interview I went to a show featuring the Thieves and like usual, they were unnaturally good. You can read more about that show somewhere in this magazine. See more at www.thickerthantheives.com and as always at www.belligerentproducts.com.