interview was recorded after KRS-One’s show in Las Vegas
at the Huntridge on August 8, 2003
SMASH- In the politically charged climate we’re living in today, does the music of KRS-One take on more significance?
KRS-One - Yes. In a weird way KRS-One only makes sense in times of war and when presidents like George W. Bush are in office. When his father was in office, I put out Edutainment, one of my best selling records ever. Now his son is in office and as you can see the crowd is energized. I’m not on the radio. I’m not on TV. I barely got a new album out right now, but they’re coming out to see KRS.
SMASH- How do feel about performing in Las Vegas?
KRS-One - This was a nice crowd for KRS in Vegas ‘cause usually this is the kind of city that’s waiting on performers like Jay-z.
SMASH- I saw Nelly get booed here playing at an after-party for a pro skate contest.
KRS-One - I can imagine. They are not his people. That’s KRS’ crowd. He don’t talk to those kids.
SMASH- I understand you took some time off from recording to study Metaphysical philosophy. How has that informed your opinion on what’s happening in America right now?
KRS-One - Metaphysicians are philosophers. They are seekers of truth. But too many philosophers and political scientists cower when confronted with the debate over democracy. They act as if philosophy has nothing to say about these issues.
SMASH- And how are you addressing what is going on in America?
KRS-One – I just put out a [nonfiction] book called Ruminations. It has a series of thoughts about relevant issues, one of which is called Urban Inspirational Metaphysics, which I developed while studying philosophy in L.A. I went there to crank down on philosophy but soon realized that I was just quoting other philosophers and that study could only take me so far. I had to live hip-hop and from that, I gained enlightenment. Living hip-hop opened my eyes.
SMASH- Would you care to elaborate?
KRS-One - Hip-hop has nine elements: Breaking, Emceeing, DJ-ing, Beat-boxing, graffiti art, street fashion, street language and street entrepreneurialship.
SMASH- Are you proficient in all of them?
KRS-One - Of Course
SMASH- Even breaking?
KRS-One - Yes, but actually, I’m a more into popn’ and lockn’.
SMASH- So how does one live hip-hop?
KRS-One – When you feel hip-hop in your blood and you really live it, you don’t just listen to rap records. You have a certain lifestyle and there’s is a freedom to what you do.
It means finding and living your purpose. Like your man here taking photos, now he’s a hip-hop photographer.
SMASH- How doe this fit into your theory of Urban Inspirational Metaphysics?
KRS-One – A lot of human beings are not living their truth. You can study metaphysics or you can be a metaphysician, which is living the truth.
SMASH- I once read an interview where you said capitalism needs to be kept in check. Could you explain this?
KRS-One – Basically capitalism is a pimp and ho system. It needs an underclass to survive. It’s about putting a lot of people to work for the benefit of a few. Now socialism and communism dictate that people share the wealth of the land. And the government evenly distributes it to the people. But this goes against human nature because every human being is unique. What works for you don’t always work for me. Capitalism says that you are going to start out as a ho, weather you like it or not. That’s the tax system. Every April 15, the government pimp comes rolling around- period. But through family resources and education you too can become a pimp. America balances the system by encouraging people to become pimps.
SMASH- You also said things like Napster help keep capitalism in check. How is that?
KRS-One – Downloading music from the Internet puts record companies on notice. It’s like this; I am not a product, my music is. And I say to the record company, now wait a minute, your telling me that the most I can ever hope to get from your label is a buck fifty per record. I’m getting $6.99 from downloads off the net. That money goes straight into my account. That’s why they don’t like it. It’s freedom. And that’s why all my music is on the net.
SMASH- How does this help you fulfill your roll as philosopher?
KRS-One –This is a movement. We don’t give a fuck about a record deal. We perform for future Doctors, Lawyers and Policemen. These are the people that will have power over my children.
SMASH- What about those in the hip hop community who just make mindless booty music?
KRS-One – There is a place for that. We are all brothers. But that’s only part of the picture. Those cats can shake they ass if they like. We are declaring hip-hop an international culture.
SMASH- Thank you very much